Cowboys training camp: Trevon Diggs is back and doing what he does best

It’s been a slow build-up for Dallas Cowboys star cornerback Trevon Diggs. Since he was officially removed from the PUP list on July 30th, the team has taken a deliberate approach to re-acclimating their star defender.

However, for the first time since his injury, Diggs was back amongst his teammates seemingly without restriction.

Trevon Diggs integrated back into the team period

In a unique decision, Dallas and the Los Angeles Rams chose to do another joint practice together despite doing so last week and already playing a preseason game against one another. The opportunity provided another situation for both teams to get organic repetitions against unfamiliar opponents.

It’s quality work that both teams are going to benefit greatly from, and for the first time since tearing his ACL last season, Diggs was able to participate as well.

Diggs was on the field and working with the first-team unit in his customary spot. It’s something all who are connected with Cowboys Nation has been waiting on.

On the surface, it may appear that Diggs is just doing what everybody else is doing. And while that is true, it’s another box checked on his road to being back to full-go following the injury and it plays an important part in the process.

However, what was unordinary about Diggs on Wednesday, serves as a reminder of just what the Cowboys were missing with him out last season. His ability to bait quarterbacks and take the football away at an elite level is something that is truly rare, and he was back to his old ways not long after being back.

Not only was he back participating, Diggs was back and making plays. Diggs is seen trailing his receiver, giving the quarterback just enough foolish confidence to actually throw the ball before the seasoned veteran leaps into action, snatches the football out of the air, and hauls in the interception.

The crowd, his teammates, and even the defensive back’s coach, Al Harris, are all seen and heard hollering. It’s because they know Diggs is back in action, and he’s back to his old ways.


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