Dallas Cowboys blowout loss to Detroit Lions made NFL history

The only good thing about Sunday’s Dallas Cowboys loss was that it had literally never happened before. Congratulations to the Cowboys on being the first!

What exactly are we talking about? In case you were unaware, Sunday’s 47-9 embarrassment was an NFL Scorigami.

A Scorigami is when a game features a score that has never been recorded before in NFL history. Obviously some scores are very common and you would think through all of NFL history we would have seen anything and everything possible, but prior to Sunday afternoon there had never been a contest ending 47-9.

The blowout was all kinds of poor history for the Cowboys as it was the worst loss ever sustained at AT&T Stadium, and the worst loss ever in the Jerry Jones era of ownership (both from a margin of points standpoint). To say it was “something” would be putting it extremely lightly.

Congratulations to the Cowboys for their history. Surely that means a lot to them.


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